DC-3, The Douglas DC-3, Douglas DC-3
DC-3 or The Douglas DC-3 Aircraft, which is a very important turning point in the aviation history in the 1930s. Of course, Douglas DC-3 was an important airplane in 1930s. DC-3 aircraft have been a turning point in civil passenger life. According to Boeing's data, only 455 were produced from this Wonderful Douglas DC-3. These days, 455 may seem a bit small, but it is a reasonable figure for the 1930s. Different sources state that 607 DC-3 aircraft were produced between 1936-1942. DC-3 production ended in 1942. Although different production figures are stated, the known reality regarding these aircraft does not change. It opened a different era in world aviation history. DC-3 was preferred and used by all renowned airlines around the world during the years it was produced. It - The Douglas DC-3 - was such a successful aircraft that its military version; The Douglas C-47 is a modern aircraft capable of influencing the fate of World War II.